The men watching the Super Bowl. Needless to say Brayden got a little bored and fell asleep!

Brayden just chillin' out in his bouncer! He's such a patient baby...except when he's gassy!

We were up late one night and I looked over and Brayden had fallen asleep! Doesn't it look like he's praying!?! I thought it was the most precious picture!

Our second visit to the doctor's office. Mommy forgot to take pictures at the first appoitment! Brayden has a slight case of jaundice so Dr. Bowen wanted to see him the next day and she said he was fine, he just needed to hang out and nap by a sunny window!

This is Dr. Beeson, my OBGYN. We had to stop by and drop of some paperwork for her to fill out! Dr. Beeson and her staff were wonderful during my whole pregnancy!

The look on his face it just so funny! I think he was tired of me trying to pose him and taking so many pictures! Brayden is one week old in this picture!

One week old! I can't believe baby is growing up!

How about this pose mommy?
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