Brayden is continuing to grow at amazing rates! He is beginning to hold his head up for longer periods of time and loves to look around. He began cooing this week and has become more expressive in letting us know what he wants and needs! Brayden is sleeping at night for about 3 1/2 hours and sometimes even four! He is a blessing and wonderful little boy! Jason and I are blessed to have him in our lives!
Our little boy already has his first car! Jason insisted on getting this walker when we saw it at the store. It says GT on the back of the seat and so it's Brayden's Mustang!

We need to work some more on our torso control before we can play in our walker. He was not a happy camper when I let go to take the picture. But doesn't he look so cute in his car!?

When Brayden wants to just chill out he likes laying in his bouncer. It can calm him down sometimes when Jason and I can't! Gotta love it! He also usually lays in it when I'm fixing my hair and he loves the sound of the hair dryer. He gets so calm!

My dad just got done feeding and burping him and Brayden gave us this cute little face! It's my kid a cutie pie!

Brayden enjoys tummy time! He's able to hold his head up for a couple of minutes before he tuckers out, but he loves it and rarely cries when he's on his tummy.
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