Brayden finally lost is umbilical cord stump after 18 days! What a cute little belly button!

Brayden hates being naked. When he is unhappy, he lets you know it!

In our opinion, Brayden already has incredible head strength! He likes to prop himself up and see what is going on in his new world! He has also begun to verbalize more and coo when he is a happy kiddo!

He has such a strong grasp! It was funny because Jason put Brayden's hand on this ring and he grasped it and for some reason I found this hilarious and could not stop laughing. Maybe it was because I was so happy and impressed with what my little boy is accomplishing!

This was the first time Brayden sat in his Bumbo sitter. He was so cute and was watching Jason every time he would move around the living room. Brayden seems to always be tracking with his eyes and is beginning to move his head more to follow objects.
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