Saturday, November 21, 2009

What Are Little Boys Made Of?

Wow! I'm not very good at keeping up with our family blog! As I stated in the previous post, we are extremely busy! Brayden is growing like a weed and his Mommy and Daddy are enjoying every moment of it! At his 9 month well baby visit Brayden weighed 24 pounds, and in the 100% for weight, height and head circumfrence. Brayden is pretty fast at crawling and cruises along anything that he can hold onto! He is becoming braver and standing by himself for a couple of seconds at a time. He's taken 2 or 3 steps by himself, but then falls. Today after Jason had gotten home, Brayden was wanting a toy and took about 6-7 steps! That means that our little man will be walking well before his 1st birthday! He loves to shut doors, play in the cabinets, eating anything we give him, and doing all those wonderful things that little boys love doing! The other day Jason witnessed our son climbing out of his bouncer because he wanted to see what his daddy was up to! Needless to say, we have not done enough baby proofing and need to finish quick!

Brayden won these vampire teeth at the Mustang Elementary Fall Festival! I'm surprised he kept them in his mouth as long as he did!

Here we are showing off our 'real' teeth. He currently has 7 teeth and is number 8 is breaking through his gums currently!

One of my teacher friends at school let us borrow this Mickey Mouse costume! This is the only picture we have of him were he is facing forward! He loved the Fall Festival at our church! He figured out pretty quick that you could get candy at the booths and would take several pieces! Don't worry he only had one small Dum-Dum. But I think he will probably have his daddy's sweet tooth! :)

Abby and I took Brayden to his first football game in Midwest City! He went down on the field with Jason before the game and he didn't really know what to think about everything that was going on down there! He did a great job sitting in the stands! No fussing or anything! We are so blessed to have such a great baby boy!

Playing before bed!
I will try and do a better job at blogging more often! Especially with the holidays coming up!