Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quick Update

It's been forever since I have updated what's going on in our lives! I will post pictures in a couple of days! School has started and Jason and I are both crazy busy, but still make lots of time for our precious boy! Brayden started crawling one week before I started school and I was so thankful that I was there to witness it! He is loving his ability to go where he wants. He is already beginning to cruise the furniture, so who knows when our little man is going to begin walking! About a week ago, we discovered that he was cutting two more teeth. Surprisingly enough they aren't the two front ones. One is a front one and the other is I think one space away! Brayden has expanded his selection of baby food. We have added meats and several other vegetables! He even loves this Korean soup (a mild one) my mom makes. He eats it with rice and tofu! I think he might like it just as much as he does sweet potatoes! We have been very blessed with such a wonderful little boy! Thank you, Jesus for all of our blessings!