July 4th weekend we went to visit family in the Missouri and Illinois area. Our first stop was in St. Charles, MO to see Uncle Bob, Aunt Doris, Aunt Karen, Uncle Dave and Katie. We had a great time shopping and enjoyed the wonderful fireworks display in downtown St. Charles. Unfortunately we lost our camera in St. Charles and have no pictures of that leg of our trip. :( On the flip side, we did get to buy and new camera which we were needing anyways! Here's a little photo journal of our trip!

The Cox Family that were in Illinois. Grandma Cox, Nana and Papa Cox, Phyllis, Jason, Brayden, Jeff, Sally, Logan, Jordan, and Elizabeth.

This is the cute outfit Nana made for Brayden. The other two boy cousins have one just like it!

Our family! Don't we look cute!?

The four cousins that were in Illinois. L to R Elizabetha and Logan Jordan and Brayden Can you believe that Logan is 7 months older than Brayden!?

Four Generations: Grandman Cox, Papa, Jason and Brayden

Grandma Cox loved little Brayden. She sang songs to him and he danced! It was cute!

Daddy and Brayden hanging out on Grandma Cox's patio!
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