Here is Brayden after his 2 month well baby check up. He weighed in at 14 lbs and 23 inches! That puts him in the 95 percentile for weight and 50-75 percentile for length. But as you can see he's not really that chunky of a baby!
Brayden loves tummy time! He can hold his head up for quite a while before getting tired. He loves to know what's going on so he keeps his head up for as long a possible! :)
Here's our happy boy! He laughs at just about anything! He has such a wonderful personality and we are so thankful for that. :)
In this picture, Brayden has just rolled from his tummy to his back. He's been doing this a couple of times per week for about 3 weeks now!
Brayden was all tuckered out after going to Easter church services! Doesn't he look so cute in his little overalls?
I have now been back to work for a week and it's been hard to leave Brayden in the morning. I'm very blessed though that Jason doesn't have to go to work until about 11 o'clock and so Brayden and his daddy get to spend the mornings together. Right now my parents are watching him until my dad goes back to work. Brayden has been a great motivator for me to get my school work done at school and to manage my time better. I haven't brought any work home since I've been back to work. I want to make sure that I can spend as much time with Brayden as possible! I just love our little boy and know that I am blessed with this gift from God!
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