Saturday, November 21, 2009

What Are Little Boys Made Of?

Wow! I'm not very good at keeping up with our family blog! As I stated in the previous post, we are extremely busy! Brayden is growing like a weed and his Mommy and Daddy are enjoying every moment of it! At his 9 month well baby visit Brayden weighed 24 pounds, and in the 100% for weight, height and head circumfrence. Brayden is pretty fast at crawling and cruises along anything that he can hold onto! He is becoming braver and standing by himself for a couple of seconds at a time. He's taken 2 or 3 steps by himself, but then falls. Today after Jason had gotten home, Brayden was wanting a toy and took about 6-7 steps! That means that our little man will be walking well before his 1st birthday! He loves to shut doors, play in the cabinets, eating anything we give him, and doing all those wonderful things that little boys love doing! The other day Jason witnessed our son climbing out of his bouncer because he wanted to see what his daddy was up to! Needless to say, we have not done enough baby proofing and need to finish quick!

Brayden won these vampire teeth at the Mustang Elementary Fall Festival! I'm surprised he kept them in his mouth as long as he did!

Here we are showing off our 'real' teeth. He currently has 7 teeth and is number 8 is breaking through his gums currently!

One of my teacher friends at school let us borrow this Mickey Mouse costume! This is the only picture we have of him were he is facing forward! He loved the Fall Festival at our church! He figured out pretty quick that you could get candy at the booths and would take several pieces! Don't worry he only had one small Dum-Dum. But I think he will probably have his daddy's sweet tooth! :)

Abby and I took Brayden to his first football game in Midwest City! He went down on the field with Jason before the game and he didn't really know what to think about everything that was going on down there! He did a great job sitting in the stands! No fussing or anything! We are so blessed to have such a great baby boy!

Playing before bed!
I will try and do a better job at blogging more often! Especially with the holidays coming up!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Quick Update

It's been forever since I have updated what's going on in our lives! I will post pictures in a couple of days! School has started and Jason and I are both crazy busy, but still make lots of time for our precious boy! Brayden started crawling one week before I started school and I was so thankful that I was there to witness it! He is loving his ability to go where he wants. He is already beginning to cruise the furniture, so who knows when our little man is going to begin walking! About a week ago, we discovered that he was cutting two more teeth. Surprisingly enough they aren't the two front ones. One is a front one and the other is I think one space away! Brayden has expanded his selection of baby food. We have added meats and several other vegetables! He even loves this Korean soup (a mild one) my mom makes. He eats it with rice and tofu! I think he might like it just as much as he does sweet potatoes! We have been very blessed with such a wonderful little boy! Thank you, Jesus for all of our blessings!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

4th of July trip to MO and IL continued!

Our little guy was such a trooper! He traveled so well, but he was so worn out by the time we got home!

This is my cousin Melissa and her little girl Rachael. Rachael had to stay in the hospital because of some odd headaches and we were there when they released her to go home!

Rachael and Brayden had fun playing together at the hospital!

I think he was checking out the animals on the bottom of the high chair! This is a vintage high chair Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt had laying around!

Uncle Marvin, who is dad's older brother, has 7 grandkids of his own! He knew just how to keep Brayden smiling!

Aunt Ruth (Uncle Marvin's wife) is so good with little ones!

Uncle Glen and Aunt Denise, who is dad's younger brother, are the grandparents of Rachael (from previous pictures). They have 4 grandkids!

Aunt Denise holding Brayden. He was having a good ol' time playing with her!

Ty and Gabriel are my cousin Eric's boys! They are half Korean like me! Aren't they cuties?

The boys playing together! They did pretty good considering they had never seen each other!

Brayden loves moving! Daddy put him in this spot and he loved it because he felt like a big boy!

Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt by their beautiful flowers! Grandpa "ran" to the door when we got there! They were very excited to meet great grandchild number 11! We had a great time on our trip and look forward to seeing all of our family again, hopefully sooner than later! Love you guys!

4th of July trip to MO and IL

July 4th weekend we went to visit family in the Missouri and Illinois area. Our first stop was in St. Charles, MO to see Uncle Bob, Aunt Doris, Aunt Karen, Uncle Dave and Katie. We had a great time shopping and enjoyed the wonderful fireworks display in downtown St. Charles. Unfortunately we lost our camera in St. Charles and have no pictures of that leg of our trip. :( On the flip side, we did get to buy and new camera which we were needing anyways! Here's a little photo journal of our trip!

The Cox Family that were in Illinois. Grandma Cox, Nana and Papa Cox, Phyllis, Jason, Brayden, Jeff, Sally, Logan, Jordan, and Elizabeth.

This is the cute outfit Nana made for Brayden. The other two boy cousins have one just like it!

Our family! Don't we look cute!?

The four cousins that were in Illinois. L to R Elizabetha and Logan Jordan and Brayden Can you believe that Logan is 7 months older than Brayden!?

Four Generations: Grandman Cox, Papa, Jason and Brayden

Grandma Cox loved little Brayden. She sang songs to him and he danced! It was cute!

Daddy and Brayden hanging out on Grandma Cox's patio!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Swim

Our friends the Davis' let us use their pool for Brayden's first swim! What wonderful friends!

I didn't realize they made floaties with shade cover until we found this one for Brayden! He loved being in his floatie! He would kick his little feet!

Although this picture doesn't show it...he did love swimming! He's definately a water baby!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Three and Four Months

I know it has been a while since I have posted anything on Brayden. Here's the update on our "little" guy!
-At his 4 month check up he weighed in at 18 lbs and 2 oz at 26 1/4 inches long!
Needless to say he's in the 95 percentile in everything!
-We have started on homejmade baby foods. So far we have tasted rice and
oatmeal cereal, green beans and sweet potatoes. Acorn squash is our next food!
-He loves to be active anytime his is awake. Whether we are playing in our car,
standing with mom and dad's help, scooting on our head, scooting backwards,
playing on our tummy, we are constantly on the move!
-He also loves talking! He babbles at mom, dad, Pepper, the TV, the floor or just
nothing in general.
-At 4 months and 3 weeks, we have started cutting our first tooth. It is on the
bottom left in the front. We can see the little white cap poking through the gums!
-He has started trying to hold his own bottle!
-He doesn't like lying down unless he it eating or sleeping. He is getting pretty good
at pushing him self up to a sitting position if he is lying in one of our laps!
That's all I can think of at the moment...but like with all children...I'm sure he will be doing something new tomorrow! Here are a couple of pictures to enjoy!

Brayden started on rice and oatmeal cereal in his third month! He took till it really well. He likes to put his fingers in his mouth and feel what I put in there! It can get quit messy but he loves it!

This is Brayden's little friend Tyler. Tyler was born exactly one week after Brayden. Tyler was born at around 31 weeks and spent about a month in the NICU. We call the boys David and Goliath since Brayden looks like a giant compared to Tyler!

Yup, the little guy is starting to sit by himselft on somethings. His little legs hug the side of Tow Mater so he can sit up pretty well on him. Bryaden was pretty fascinated with all the bells and whistles that come with Tow Mater!

Brayden playing right before bedtime. As long as he is occupied he can sit up for a minute or two!

We handed Brayden a cookie at Dad's birthday dinner just to see what he would do and as you can tell everything goes into his mouth! Don't worry I didn't let him eat the cookie!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Nine to Eleven Weeks

Here is Brayden after his 2 month well baby check up. He weighed in at 14 lbs and 23 inches! That puts him in the 95 percentile for weight and 50-75 percentile for length. But as you can see he's not really that chunky of a baby!

Brayden loves tummy time! He can hold his head up for quite a while before getting tired. He loves to know what's going on so he keeps his head up for as long a possible! :)

Here's our happy boy! He laughs at just about anything! He has such a wonderful personality and we are so thankful for that. :)

In this picture, Brayden has just rolled from his tummy to his back. He's been doing this a couple of times per week for about 3 weeks now!

Brayden was all tuckered out after going to Easter church services! Doesn't he look so cute in his little overalls?
I have now been back to work for a week and it's been hard to leave Brayden in the morning. I'm very blessed though that Jason doesn't have to go to work until about 11 o'clock and so Brayden and his daddy get to spend the mornings together. Right now my parents are watching him until my dad goes back to work. Brayden has been a great motivator for me to get my school work done at school and to manage my time better. I haven't brought any work home since I've been back to work. I want to make sure that I can spend as much time with Brayden as possible! I just love our little boy and know that I am blessed with this gift from God!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Seven to Eight Weeks

Brayden has grown so much in the past two weeks! He is gaining weight and inches and we have our two month baby well doctor's appointment this week. It will be interesting to see how much he has grown in the past month and a half! Brayden is "talking" and interacting more with his mommy and daddy! He is most alert and active after he first wakes up in the morning! This week he has begun swatting at his toys if they are hanging in front of him. It is so much fun watching him grow and reach new milestones. It's hilarious when he gets to laughing. He has such a wonderful smile and giggle! Not that I'm biased or anything! Jason and I are so blessed to have such a good baby! Thank you, Lord! Pictures soon to follow.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Five to Six Weeks Old

March 19th Brayden went to the doctor because he was running a fever. The doctor wanted some lab work done on him to check to see if he had a cold or if he was just fooling us! Needless to say momma cried because she had to hold her little boy still while they drew blood from him. Here's a picture of his arm all wrapped up. What a trooper!

Brayden all undressed because of his fever. He was so wiped out from being hot and fussy! He gave him momma a scare because it was the first fever she had to deal with.

The three grandsons all born within in 10 months of each other. From left to right: Logan (9 months), Brayden (6 weeks), Sterling (8 months) Elizabeth is one of our little nieces, she's in first grade. And that's papa in the middle.

Brayden was showing off his muscles to his daddy!

His aunt Abby thinks it looks like Brayden is posing for a school picture! He makes such funny faces and poses when he is sleeping!

Here's another picture of our cutie pie! Isn't he doing such a great job holding up his head! He loves to see what's going on around him. What an alert little boy!

Needless to say, Brayden sometimes falls asleep when he's getting burped. Sometimes he doesn't even make through his whole bottle. I love this little boy so much!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Four Weeks Old

Brayden is continuing to grow at amazing rates! He is beginning to hold his head up for longer periods of time and loves to look around. He began cooing this week and has become more expressive in letting us know what he wants and needs! Brayden is sleeping at night for about 3 1/2 hours and sometimes even four! He is a blessing and wonderful little boy! Jason and I are blessed to have him in our lives!

Our little boy already has his first car! Jason insisted on getting this walker when we saw it at the store. It says GT on the back of the seat and so it's Brayden's Mustang!

We need to work some more on our torso control before we can play in our walker. He was not a happy camper when I let go to take the picture. But doesn't he look so cute in his car!?

When Brayden wants to just chill out he likes laying in his bouncer. It can calm him down sometimes when Jason and I can't! Gotta love it! He also usually lays in it when I'm fixing my hair and he loves the sound of the hair dryer. He gets so calm!

My dad just got done feeding and burping him and Brayden gave us this cute little face! It's my kid a cutie pie!

Brayden enjoys tummy time! He's able to hold his head up for a couple of minutes before he tuckers out, but he loves it and rarely cries when he's on his tummy.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Three Weeks Old

Brayden finally lost is umbilical cord stump after 18 days! What a cute little belly button!

Brayden hates being naked. When he is unhappy, he lets you know it!

In our opinion, Brayden already has incredible head strength! He likes to prop himself up and see what is going on in his new world! He has also begun to verbalize more and coo when he is a happy kiddo!

He has such a strong grasp! It was funny because Jason put Brayden's hand on this ring and he grasped it and for some reason I found this hilarious and could not stop laughing. Maybe it was because I was so happy and impressed with what my little boy is accomplishing!

This was the first time Brayden sat in his Bumbo sitter. He was so cute and was watching Jason every time he would move around the living room. Brayden seems to always be tracking with his eyes and is beginning to move his head more to follow objects.